How should you Display Small Artworks?

How do you display small artworks? Do smaller art pieces need a different consideration than larger ones when it comes to displaying them? An interior decorator clued me in on the importance of grouping. I have a collection of wooden carved masks from different countries and had a few on one wall, a few on another wall, and single masks on other walls. I thought that spreading them out helped to unite the decor.

But she showed me that if I put them all together in one place, they acted as a single, powerful art piece. So I applied that idea to a set of small fabric collages I made called Little Transitions. I made 25 of them. I kept six of them for myself and have all six hanging together. The other ones are for sale on my website.

Generally, when people buy them from me, they purchase only one. And it could be that they have a small space that fits it perfectly. But if you have wall space to fill, how will it look with smaller pieces of artwork on it? Let’s take a look at the effect of grouping or not grouping small artworks together. With only one on a large wall, it will probably look lonely. Two might fill a space better.

But usually odd numbers of things look more complete. Sometimes, the art looks better hung on the wall and sometimes it feels more grounded if it is sitting on a mantle or shelf. But can you see how with three together, they act almost as one artwork and balance each other, visually?

To add height, you could add another row or two. How it looks depends on the space around it, the objects and artwork nearby, and your personal taste. Some people like a more minimalistic look and other people like a more crowded feel.

Just like with choosing the type of frame, it is a personal choice. There really aren’t any rules about how much art to put on a wall or on a shelf. And, anyway, rules are meant to be broken. It’s your space and how you display smaller artworks is up to you.


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